Health Benefits of Grass Fed Beef

Why Grass Fed & Finished?

What did the animal that you are eating today eat yesterday? Grass-fed & finished cows are raised on a diet of fresh grass as they roam from one pasture to another. Grass fed beef has many great benefits:

1.) Lower in Fat and Calories

Compared to feedlot-raised beef, grass-fed beef can contain up to 2/3 less fat and calories. For instance, a 6-ounce steak from a grass-finished cow may have 100 fewer calories than a steak from a grain-fed animal.

2.) Antibiotic and Hormone Free

To keep disease at bay, feedlot cows are given high doses of antibiotics. As a result, when you consume grain-fed beef, you're also ingesting these antibiotics.

But that's not the only concern – conventional meat is also infused with hormones, such as RBST, which make CAFO cows grow more quickly. This translates into higher profits for factory farmers. These cows reach full size in a year, compared to grass-fed cows reaching full size in up to 48 months.

Studies suggest that consuming animals that were fed growth hormones can trigger early puberty in humans over an extended period of time.

Of course, our grass-fed animals are always hormone and antibiotic-free!

3.) Flavor Benefits

Grass-fed meat not only offers nutritional benefits, but it also has a distinct and earthy taste that makes it stand out from grain-fed meat. The varied diet of grass-fed animals brings out the spices in the meat, making it even more delectable.

In a blind taste test conducted by HuffPost, all but one of the tasters preferred the taste of grass-fed beef, with 100% of the participants being able to distinguish between grass-fed and grain-fed beef. For an even more flavorful experience, a dash of butter can be added to the meat.

4.) Higher in Healthy Fats

One of the most notable benefits of grass-fed beef is that it has an ideal ratio of omegas. Meat from grass-fed animals has 2 to 4 times more omega-3 fatty acid then meat from grain fed animals.

Grass-fed beef has an omega 6:3 ratio of 0.16 to 1, while grain-fed beef can often have an omega 6:3 ratio higher than 20:1.

5.) Decreased Risk of Heart Disease

Omega-3's are good fat because they play a vital role in every cell in every system in your body. Of all the fats, omega-3's are the most heart-friendly.

People who have enough omega-3's in their diet are less likely to have high blood pressure or heart problems. They're also 50% less likely to suffer a heart attack.

Omega-3's are essential for your brain to operate at optimal levels as well. People with a diet rich in omega-3's are less likely to suffer from depression schizophrenia, ADD and Alzheimer's disease.

6.) Helps Fight Cancer

If you're looking for a great source of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), then consider meat and dairy products from grass-fed ruminants. These products are packed with CLA, which is a very healthy type of fat. In fact, beef products that are raised solely on grass and forage contain up to five times more CLA than those raised conventionally.

CLA has been linked to reducing the risk of cancer. In laboratory tests, even a small amount of CLA helped to reduce tumor growth in animals.

7.) Less Contamination By Staph and Other Bacteria

It's alarming to learn that almost half of the US meat and poultry contains the staph bacteria. The constant feeding of antibiotics to feedlot cattle is a major factor in the increase of antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as staph and e-Coli.

In the first national study on antibiotic-resistant S. aureus in the U.S. food supply, 47% of meat and poultry samples examined contained S. aureus, 52% of which were resistant to at least three classes of antibiotics.

DNA testing revealed that the source of contamination was the food animals themselves.

8.) More Vitamins and Minerals

Grass-fed beef is among the most nutrient-rich sources of protein available today. Its high micronutrient profile is far superior to that of grain-fed beef, thanks to the varied diets of grass-fed cows. As a result, it contains more B vitamins, vitamin D, and iron.

One tell-tale sign of grass-fed beef is the yellowish hue of the fat after cooking. This indicates the presence of carotenoids, which are abundant in grass, particularly in quick-growing green grass.

9.) Better for the Environment

In addition to the health benefits, grass-fed meat is also easier on the environment. Grazing cows use fewer fossil fuels, maintain and fertilize the land they graze on, and improve the quality of run-off water.

10.) Peace of Mind

The importance of knowing that the food you and your family eat is free of harmful substances such as antibiotics and hormones cannot be overstated. At Vrooman Ranch, we take pride in providing you with the peace of mind that comes with that assurance.

Our cows are raised under strict guidelines, never given antibiotics or hormones, and are not kept in dirty feedlots. We allow them to grow at a natural rate, taking up to 48 months to reach their full size before harvesting. Additionally, the meat is dry-aged to perfection before delivering it straight to your doorstep.

Switch over to grass-fed beef to rejuvenate your health. Grass-fed beef has fewer calories and more good fats than conventional beef, making it an essential part of your healthy diet.

How to Best Tenderize Grass Fed Meat

While there's no denying the benefits of grass-fed beef, it might take a bit of extra effort to make it tender.

Here are four different methods you can use to tenderize meat:

1. Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Crock Pots are ideal when it comes to the method of cooking low and slow.

2. Yogurt or Milk Marinade Preparation Tips for Tender Steaks:

  • Season your milk, buttermilk, or plain yogurt with non-acidic ingredients such as

    spices, herbs, salt, and garlic.

  • Prepare enough marinade to cover the whole steak and let it soak for the desired amount of time.

  • Marinate the steak in seasoned milk by placing it in either a resealable plastic bag or covered container, and storing it in the refrigerator for 4 to 12 hours.

  • Rinse the meat in cool running water, pat it dry, and discard the milk.

  • While marinades are great for adding flavor, they often result in mild seasoning. To ensure that your steak has a delicious taste, consider seasoning it with herbs and spices before cooking.

  • To achieve the perfect sear when cooking beef, it's best to cover the meat at room temperature for an hour before cooking. This helps to ensure that the surface is adequately heated and ready to be cooked to perfection.

3. For extra tender meat, place it in a plastic bag and use a meat mallet to pound it. You can also add salt to the meat before placing it in the bag to further enhance its tenderness.

4. For a delicious steak, sear it, add some beef broth or beef gravy for liquid, cover the pan and simmer for just over an hour.

Remember, you can always try out a blend of these approaches. Contact us if you have any questions – we welcome and value all feedback!

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